Are New Jersey Volunteer Firefighters Eligible for Workers Compensation?

Are New Jersey Volunteer Firefighters Eligible for Workers Compensation?

Are you volunteering and want to know if you are eligible for workers compensation for your injury? Well, you’re in luck.  In 2019, the New Jersey Supreme Court declared injured firefighters eligible for maximum temporary disability benefits while in the line of duty regardless of their outside employment status and other income under the Workers Compensation Act in New Jersey.

            The New Jersey Supreme Court has stated that with this decision, volunteer firefighters are to be allowed special protections and provisions.

            This law states that the injured volunteer be entitled to a weekly wage for the year the injury was sustained and be protected in the event the volunteer loses their everyday job due to the injury.

The Morano Law Firm can ease your medical expense stress and help compensate for your injury. Let us here at The Morano Law Firm get you the compensation you deserve and ease any concerns you may have. Having strong willed and determined lawyers by your side can help your workers compensation benefits. Call our Law Firm at 201-598-5019 or email [email protected] for a free consult today!