If you have been injured on the job and want to know your rights, please do not hesitate to call me at 201-598-5019 or email me directly at [email protected] for a free consultation.

In New Jersey, if you have been injured while working, you are entitled to Worker’s Compensation rights and benefits.

Workers’ Compensation is determined by a statute which sets out a method of providing benefits to an employee (of the employee’s dependent) who suffers a personal injury or death by accident or occupational disease while working.  This creates two categories for an injury which occurred on a job.

Accident – a specific incident gives rise to your injury. Examples include slipping and falling  leading to a broken leg. A restaurant worker cutting or burning herself.

Occupational – exposure to a risk or danger in the job led to the injury.  A dock worker whose back is injured after 20 years of lifting heavy items on the job. An administrator who has carpal tunnel syndrome after 20 years of typing.

Fault is not an issue. As long as you were acting within the course of your employment you will be covered by your employer’s worker’s compensation coverage. Even if your employer did not act negligent, if you are injured on the job you may be entitled to compensation.

Your damages are determined by the permanent nature of your injury. This is where the strength of your case is determined. Contact me and we can discuss this at greater length.

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) is responsible for the administration of the NJ Workers’ Compensation Law, N.J.S.A. 34:15-1 et seq., and the disposition of disputes raised under it. It does so by

  • ensuring that injured workers receive fair and timely workers’ compensation benefits from their employers and their insurance carriers
  • enforcing the law that requires employers to secure the necessary insurance coverage from commercial carriers or through self-insurance programs.
  • providing temporary disability benefits and medical expenses to workers suffering from compensable injuries while working for uninsured employers
  • Providing benefit payments to workers who are already partially disabled who subsequently experience a work related injury which together, render them totally disabled.

If you have been injured on the job and want to know your rights, please do not hesitate to call me at 201-598-5019 or email me directly at [email protected] for a free consultation.

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