Experienced New Jersey Workers Compensation Attorneys Can Help – Short Answers to Big Questions on Your Case!

You need an New Jersey Workers Comp lawyer because the insurance company involved is interested in resolving your claim as cheaply as possible and is not concerned about your best interests. Without an aggressive attorney you are likely to not get benefits or get less than you actually deserve.

Don’t be afraid to call us at 201-598-5019 and ask questions right now. Here are a few things to be concerned about:iStock_000009703092_Small

  1. How can I get an advance from the Workers Comp Insurance Company?
  2. How can my weekly checks be increased? – The maximum weekly benefits are guided by statute, but, its important to understand you are getting everything you deserve.
  3. How can I change doctors or get a second opinion? – First we ask nicely, then we file motions with the Court.
  4. Should I be worried about being fired? – Retaliation by employers on employees for workers’ comp claims is protected by the law.1
  5. Should I see a chiropractor/acupuncturist/massage therapist ? – You should start with any and all treatment approved by the workers’ comp insurance company because it is covered 100%.
  6. How much can I get for my lump sum settlement? – It varies dramatically based on your injury and your rate. Click on this chart for starters. (ever wonder if your big toe is worth more than your other toes? – FYI – it does)

Want longer and more detailed answers? Call 201-598-5019 or  email [email protected] today! If you have a workers compensation claim, we have the experience and knowledge to represent injured workers.