What are Permanent Partial Benefits in a New Jersey Workers Compensation Case?
If you are hurt at work, The Morano Law Firm can help you attain an award for your injury. The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development says the following about permanent partial benefits:
“When a job-related injury or illness results in a partial permanent disability, benefits are based upon a percentage of certain “scheduled” or “non-scheduled” losses. A “scheduled” loss is one involving arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, eyes, ears or teeth. A “non-scheduled” loss is one involving any area or system of the body not specifically identified in the schedule, such as the back, the heart, the lungs. These benefits are paid weekly and are due after the date temporary disability ends.”
Employees in New Jersey who sustain an injury while acting in the course and extent of their employment are entitled to full reimbursement of all medical expenses, lost wage compensation, and a disability award at the completion of their case.
How does the state determine compensation for partial disabilities?
Similar injuries can receive different varieties of benefits, the matter of the dispute relies on the approach taken to determine the benefits.
Impairment-Based, the most common approach states use to compensate permanent partial disability. Based on the degree of impairment and any future earnings losses of the worker are not considered.
Loss-of-Earning, this approach links the benefit to the worker’s ability to earn or to compete in the labor market, that is, it involves a forecast of the economic impact that the impairment will have on the worker.
Wage-Loss, benefits are paid for the actual or ongoing losses that a worker incurs. In some states, the permanent partial disability benefit begins after it has been determined that maximum medical improvement has been achieved. In states that use this approach, permanent disability benefits can simply be the extension of temporary disability benefits until the disabled worker returns to employment.
Bifurcated, the compensation for a permanent disability in nine jurisdictions is based on the worker’s employment position at the time of the condition assessment, which occurs after the problem has stabilized. The benefit is determined by the extent of disability if the individual has resumed work with wages at or close to those before the injury. The benefit is determined by the extent of lost earning capability if the employee has not been back at work or has resumed but is earning less than before the accident.
How can I Receive these Benefits?
An award for a permanent partial impairment is premised on a loss of function in one or more body parts that persists even after the patient has received the best possible medical care.
New Jersey is a “No Fault” Workers’ Compensation state, so regardless of who is at fault, employees are within their rights to receive these benefits
What are the Benefits?
The benefit compensates 70% of the employees’ typical weekly wages. These benefits continue until the employee is able to resume employment or has recovered to their fullest extent possible.
What Can I Do?
If you are hurt at work and looking to receive permanent partial benefits for a workers’ compensation claim, you have come to the right place. The Morano Law Firm will win your fight with ease! Let us know about your case for FREE! Give us a call at 201-598-5019 or email us at [email protected].